Need Help?
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Published On
August 1, 2023
Need Help?
No matter how alone you feel, you don’t have to fight this on your own, and the truth is, you shouldn’t. Your life is more valuable to your family and friends than you can fathom, even if it sometimes doesn’t seem like it. There are organizations comprised of people who have been where you are now and would love nothing more than to help. You are not alone, and this is not the end, but people can’t help if you don’t reach out. God has a plan and a purpose for your life, but you must step into it.
The United States
- For life-threatening situations, dial 911
- If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide: dial 988 or visit the suicide and crisis hotline at
- US Veterans Crisis Line: dial 988, then press 1 or visit the veteran's crisis line at
- Find treatment centers at
- For life-threatening situations, dial 911
- If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, call 1-866-277-3553
- For more mental health resources in Canada, please visit their mental health page HERE
Global Support
- Befrienders Worldwide is an international network of over 90 call centers that provide emotional support to people who are in distress.
General Information
- The American Psychiatric Association is a wonderful place to find accurate mental health information.
Additional Resources
- The National Alliance On Mental Illness (NAMI) boasts 600 state organizations and affiliates across the United States. Their mission statement says it all: NAMI provides advocacy, education, support, and public awareness so that all individuals and families affected by mental illness can build better lives. Their website can be found HERE.
- International Bipolar Foundation (IBPF) has a wonderful homepage with easy access to info, education, and free programs. They also have sections divided by newly diagnosed, have been living with bipolar, and I am a caregiver/family/friend. You can check them out HERE.
Get Connected
One of the best places for support is a local church. Maybe you were drug there as a child or went for a while and quit for one reason or another. Perhaps you're angry with God for where you are right now. Fair enough, but here are a few things I want you to know:
- Churches are like hospitals. People go there to find healing, so don't expect to walk into a crowd of perfect people, and by all means, don't be intimidated. We're at different places on our journeys. The key is to do life together.
- Not all churches are created equal. What do I mean by that? If you try a church and it doesn't feel like home, keep looking. To say they're all the same is a narrow-viewed opinion. What I've learned over time is that God uses different pastors, churches, and people like tools in a tool belt. They all have a specific purpose and were created to reach a certain demographic for His Kingdom. Find a place you can plug in, whether a small group or volunteer work. You'll find fulfillment, trust me.
- From my personal experience: If I didn't have God, I would have been lost. Was I confused by my diagnosis, mad even? You could say that. Any suffering I may have gone through or will go through is only another layer of strength and endurance I can share with someone else who needs help. You can be a light in someone else's darkness. Your experience doesn't define you; it's what you choose to do with that experience.
2 Corinthians 12:10 | 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.